About Me
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tom DeMay, a Software Engineer Technical Lead and Engineering Manager at Altamira Technologies Corp, holding an active Top Secret security clearance. I am dedicated to advancing critical national security missions and protecting our nation. I would like to share my background and explain why I believe I would be a valuable addition to any organization.
Professional Experience
With nearly 30 years of experience as a Software Engineer, I have accumulated a diverse range of expertise. Throughout my career, I have served in various roles, including individual contributor, technical lead, and management positions. While I possess a deep understanding of coding, I also thrive as a problem solver. No matter the challenge at hand, I take full ownership, from inception to completion, leveraging my ability to build the necessary tools, systems, and teams required to achieve the desired goals.
I am particularly passionate about the software development process and continuously seek ways to enhance efficiency, write maintainable code, improve team and organizational communication, deliver consistent and reliable estimates, and mentor junior developers. As I acquire domain knowledge, I naturally transition into a technical leadership role. My previous employers and colleagues hold me in high regard, appreciating my commitment to refactoring and my collaborative approach when working alongside other engineers and managers.
My insatiable appetite for learning has always driven me to acquire new skills. For instance, shortly after completing high school in 1989, in just under 3 months I obtained a series 6 and 63 license to sell securities. In 2000, I earned a private pilot's license in a span of three months. In addition to my accomplishments outside of software engineering, I am entirely self-taught in the field of software engineering. By my late 20s, I had already assumed engineering management roles, published works on software engineering principles, and delivered speeches at local user group meetings. At the age of 30, I pursued a computer science degree, completing four years of coursework in just one year while maintaining a GPA of 4.0. In 2003, I embarked on building Discount Casino Gear as an experimental project to learn how to build websites, which eventually became one of the leading sites in its industry, consistently generating annual revenue in the range of half a million dollars until I successfully sold it for a profit in 2011. The site, still operational, proudly asserts its status as the largest supplier of gaming equipment, outlasting many of its competitors.
My reputation is built on maintaining high standards, crafting well-designed and maintainable code, and effectively collaborating with others. I have rescued several failing projects, receiving numerous accolades for my efforts, and hold a patent. Mentoring and developing the skills of junior and struggling engineers are among my passions. Refactoring code is a task I relish, having achieved remarkable performance improvements, such as a 3,951% boost in one instance. Previously, code that originally took 6 hours to run before crashing due to resource consumption was refactored to complete in just 6 minutes, utilizing only 40MB of memory.
As evident from my journey, I possess an unwavering commitment to continuous education. I am language agnostic as I have worked with every leading language and platform throughout my career. I have taught myself a multitude of technologies, including C/C++, .NET, C#, Windows and Linux platforms, Java, Python, PowerShell, bash, Ruby, Regular Expressions, classic ASP, HTML/CSS, SQL and NoSQL databases, and cloud computing, to name a few. Currently, I am actively honing my skills in Typescript, Java Spring, GoLang and Rust. I completed a post graduate program in Cloud Computing from the University of Texas, earning a 4.3 GPA. I am also in the process of obtaining several Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure certifications, with future plans to delve into machine learning and AI. Additionally, I hold an active Top Secret security clearance, underscoring my commitment to protecting our nation.
Personal Experience
Finding My Path
After high school, I made the decision to dive straight into the workforce. I felt too immature to continue my education in college, especially considering I had been a very poor student in high school, graduating with a 1.7 GPA. My parents had me tested and determined that I was simply bored. They believed I had the capability to do the work, but I lacked motivation. Going to college at that time would have been a waste of money, especially since I had no clear career path in mind.
Personal computers were just becoming affordable for widespread use. My dad purchased an 8088 computer and I started to play with it. In 10th grade, I took an introductory programming course where we learned 'Basic' programming. The teacher, being new to the subject and a math teacher with no prior computer experience, was learning alongside us. However, the pace of learning didn't match my enthusiasm for the subject. It was one class I was truly passionate about and performed well in. The following year, I took a 'COBOL' programming course.
Back then, being into computers often labeled you as a "nerd," so I resisted and pushed back against my dad, who frequently told me that I would become a software engineer. I explored different paths for a while. At 19, I thought I might want to be a stockbroker, so I picked up some books and took the necessary tests to obtain my Series 6 and 63 licenses within a span of 2-3 months. However, being an immature 19-year-old, no one wanted financial advice from me, so that venture didn't work out too well.
I went on to work at two different banks, a stockbroker firm as a cashier, and later as an administrative assistant at the Construction Specifications Institute. During my time there, I even had the opportunity to pose as a hand model for an advertisement featured in their magazine, which was quite enjoyable. It was at that job where I started to dabble in programming, writing 'Basic' applications for myself and interacting with their mainframes.
After my boss and I were laid off, she connected me with her son, who managed a team involved in computer sales to the federal government. I joined the team but quickly grew frustrated with the lack of software tools available for the sales force. Our vendors would send pricing information on a disk every month, only for it to end up in the trash. Since we were selling Fox Software's Fox Pro, I managed to obtain a free copy and began writing database applications. I developed a system to manage contacts, pricing, quotations, and order entry. That's when I discovered my true passion. I finally accepted that I had a developer's heart and embraced a role within the company creating tools for the entire organization. In my early 20s, I found myself managing a team of four, building internal systems with no formal training.
I was on my way.
My Software Engineering Journey
Microsoft acquired Fox Software to utilize their Rushmore technology for building Microsoft SQL Server, which eventually led to the release of Microsoft Visual FoxPro. It was my first exposure to object-oriented programming, and I was instantly captivated. I actively promoted myself within the small FoxPro community, writing articles for Advisor Publications and even gracing the cover once. I also presented at user group meetings. However, FoxPro was often considered a lesser programming language, so I desired to expand my knowledge. I began teaching myself C/C++ and left my job to pursue an opportunity to work alongside renowned figures in the FoxPro community. I hoped to gain insight into System Design and Architecture, particularly in the emerging field of client-server databases. I developed applications using Microsoft SQL Server on the backend, wrote articles for Advisor Publications, and delivered talks at local user groups to share my experiences.
I had no formal training in software engineering, but my enthusiasm to learn was insatiable. I continued writing articles and wholeheartedly pursued my dream of becoming a Software Engineer. Eventually, I landed my first role as a C/C++ engineer in my early 30s, working for a company that was later acquired by EMC (now part of Dell). I earned a reputation for being a dedicated worker and a skilled engineer, which led to a managerial position by my early 30s. I led a team of six people in developing a library used by 200 other EMC developers to build applications on top of it. It was a highly prominent and rewarding job, where I even received my first patent.
EMC offered its employees the benefit of continued education reimbursement, and I seized that opportunity. At the age of 30, I returned to school to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems. Eager to expedite my degree, I self-taught most of the material, took CLEP tests to test out of certain classes, and assembled portfolios to demonstrate my knowledge and receive credits for relevant life experience. I completed four years of school and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a perfect 4.0 average a year later.
I spent nearly 12 years at EMC before moving on to work for a small startup company. Eventually, I found myself at Amazon AWS. Along the way, I continued teaching myself various technologies and programming languages. My passion lies in refactoring code, mentoring junior developers, and taking ownership of the entire software delivery process.
The rest is history... I was on my way.
Poker and Discount Casino Gear
In 2003, web development became the next big thing, and I was eager to learn. However, there were no opportunities for me to do so in my current workplace. Therefore, I decided to venture out on my own and start experimenting. At that time, I was already building gaming tables for myself and my friends, so I thought of creating a website to sell those tables. Before long, an importer discovered my website and approached me for a partnership. Within six months, I successfully launched Discount Casino Gear , which consistently generated half a million in revenue year after year until I eventually sold it for a profit in 2011.
I had launched Discount Casino Gear a year before the poker craze really took off. I invested everything I earned into cost per click advertising. Since my website was fully automated, I had minimal overhead. Orders were sent directly to my supplier, who drop-shipped the products for me. Shipping information was automatically sent to customers, and new pages were created programmatically whenever new products were released. Additionally, I implemented a system to scrape my competitors' websites every night and dynamically adjust pricing to undercut them. My main focus was customer service. Over time, Discount Casino Gear became an established player in the market, while competitors came and went, solidifying its position as one of the leading gaming supply websites.
As Texas Hold'em surged in popularity during this time, overtaking the once-revered Craps, my curiosity was piqued. Intrigued by the game, I wholeheartedly immersed myself in the captivating world of cards and chips. Whether gathering with friends or venturing to nearby Charleston Casino in West Virginia, I embarked on an exhilarating journey, and thrill of mastering Texas Hold'em. The rhythmic shuffle of cards, the strategic calculations, and the vibrant camaraderie around the poker table became an integral part of my social gatherings and cherished moments of recreation.
The significance of poker extended beyond mere entertainment. It bestowed upon me invaluable insights into personal relationships, benefiting me both in business and my personal life. The art of reading people became a valuable skill, enabling me to decipher people's motivations and better understand their intentions. This newfound acumen has proven instrumental in comprehending the desires and actions of others.
I was actually born way back in 1968 in Camden, New Jersey, but we lived in Long Island, New York at the time. I'm the third out of four children in my family. My awesome older sister Dawn came first, followed by my older brother Robert, and then there's me. Lastly, we have my younger brother Christopher.
To be honest, I don't have many vivid memories of living in Long Island since I was quite young when we moved to Margate, Florida. We stayed there until just before I started 2nd grade. After that, we relocated to San Jose, California, where we spent my 2nd through 5th grade years. But the journey didn't stop there! We then packed our bags and made our way to Springfield, Virginia. We've been calling Northern Virginia our home ever since!
After finishing high school at Hayfield High School in Alexandria, Virginia in 1986, I met the love of my life, Julie DeMay, and we got married in 1991. We enjoyed living in Ashburn for about 15 years, but because it's such an expensive area, we eventually made the move 45 minutes west to Winchester, Virginia.
Back in 1997, our hearts overflowed with joy as we welcomed our first child, Melissa (affectionately known as Missy) DeMay, into this world. The excitement continued in 2000 when our daughter Rachel arrived, filling our lives with even more love. And just when we thought our family was complete, our first son, Trevor, joined us in 2002, bringing immense happiness. But life had another surprise in store for us! Twelve years later, in 2014, our youngest bundle of joy, Oliver DeMay, came into our lives, catching us completely off guard and filling our hearts with even more love and laughter.
My sister's son, Andrew DeMay, came to live with us at the age of 14. We gladly took custody of him and raise him as our own. Andrew transcended his role as a cousin to my children and a nephew to my wife and me. He became an integral part of our family, a beloved son in every sense. To my children, he is not merely a cousin; he is a cherished sibling. Interestingly, Andrew and Missy share a unique bond as they were born just a few days apart. Now, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our first grandchild, who will be lovingly welcomed into this world by Andrew and his partner, Emma.
When I was just 8 years old, I had a strong desire to learn guitar. So, I asked my parents to sign me up for guitar lessons. Naturally, they enrolling me in piano lessons instead. They believed it was a logical choice as I already showed an interest in the piano and had been teaching myself a bit. Although I took piano lessons until I was 16, I never quite applied myself or practiced diligently because I was more fascinated by blues and jazz, eager to learn improvisation rather than the classical music I was being taught.
Back in the late 90s, fate stepped in when I met someone at Kits Jordan Music who was playing exactly the type of music I wanted to learn. Inspired, I asked him for lessons. He generously gave me two before disappearing with my money, but those two lessons proved to be invaluable. He introduced me to the pentatonic scale, and from that point on, I was off and running, eager to explore the world of music. I dabbled writing my own music which you can listen to below.
In the late 2000s, I had an exciting opportunity to play keyboards in a local band, despite never having done so before. I thought, "Why not?" Thankfully, the band members were incredibly patient with me and took the time to show me the ropes. This experience propelled me to form my own bands and join various local groups, diving into the realms of classic rock, blues, and even venturing into The Grateful Dead and country music. I had the privilege of playing at a high level, including performances at the Washington DC Cherry Blossom festival downtown and the opening of Massanutten, Virginia's ski resort for the fall and winter seasons.
I found my groove on the keyboards, but also dabbled in guitar during my teenage years. I had the opportunity to perform on guitar in both country and classic rock bands. Not stopping there, I picked up the harmonica to jam out to Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" and Robert Palmer's "Sneaking through the Alley with Sally" in our classic rock band. The banjo caught my interest next, and I learned it to play Zac Brown Band's catchy tune "Chicken Fried" with my country band, along with other popular country songs.
Among the many memorable moments, one that stands out is the time I got to share the stage with Rick Nielsen, the mastermind behind Cheap Trick's hit song "I Want You to Want Me." We crossed paths at a hotel after their performance at the Superdome in New Orleans, and I was honored to join him on stage, playing that very song. It was an unforgettable experience, etched deeply into my musical journey.
In the year 2000, my path crossed with an individual who was immersed in the pursuit of their pilot's license. Intrigued by the prospect of taking flight, I quickly became captivated by the idea. I didn't know that was a thing you could do. It didn't take long for my own enthusiasm to take flight as well. Within a mere two months, I had obtained my very own pilot's license, embarking on a thrilling journey of soaring through the skies with my family in tow. Exploring the skies above the bustling regions of DC, Maryland, and Virginia became a sense of freedom unlike any other.
It was a fortuitous timing, as I had acquired my pilot's license a year prior to the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The aftermath of that fateful day brought forth significant changes in airport security measures, leading to heightened scrutiny and challenges for individuals whole recently obtained a pilot's license. During this period, our teams at EMC traveled to our office outside of Boston ever week for a few months. Being flagged and encountering difficulties at airport security checkpoints became an unfortunate reality I had to contend with, making getting home a challenge. I found myself spending numerous days and nights sleeping or diligently working on the floor of the airport.
Sports and Coaching
When I was eight years old in the mid-seventies, during the Pittsburgh Steelers' dominance in the NFL, I played my first season of football. Our team was called the Steelers, so naturally, I have been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan ever since.
Growing up in a wooded neighborhood of Newington Forest in Springfield, Virginia, football was an inseparable part of my daily life. Before I moved to Virginia, I had never really dabbled in sports. But Virginia changed everything! Football, in particular, stole my heart, and I quickly fell head over heels for the game. Rain or shine, you'd find me out on the street playing a game of pickup ball. It became a daily ritual, an unstoppable passion that ignited with every touchdown and tackle.
Coaching my children's sports teams brings me immense joy and fulfillment. For me, it's not just about the wins and losses; it's about creating an environment where kids can have fun and develop their skills. I prioritize the growth and enjoyment of every child on the team, rather than solely focusing on winning games. I always emphasize to my kids that winning is not the sole measure of success. In fact, I encourage them to embrace losses as valuable learning opportunities. It's through these moments of defeat that we can learn from those who are more skilled and improve ourselves. Being part of an organized team offers a myriad of chances for children to acquire vital life skills. Witnessing the growth, learning, and personal development of these young individuals is incredibly rewarding, and it's a privilege to be part of their journey.
Other Interests
Craft Beers, Cloud Computing and Learning
Craft beer has been a long-standing passion of mine, even before it gained widespread popularity. I consider myself fortunate to have had Old Dominion Brewery, one of only two microbreweries in Northern Virginia, located just down the street. It was there that I embarked on an exploration of diverse and intriguing beer options, accompanied by friends who were equally eager to venture into uncharted territories of flavor.
My curiosity extends beyond the realm of beer. I find great enjoyment in delving into new technologies, particularly in the field of cloud computing. Engaging in spirited discussions with individuals who possess superior knowledge and expertise fuels my thirst for learning. It brings me immense satisfaction to not only absorb knowledge from these encounters but also to pass it on to younger generations, empowering them with valuable insights.
An avid enthusiast of acquiring new skills, I revel in the opportunity to save money and have fun with my children simultaneously. Over the years, I have taken on a multitude of projects, including building decks, remodeling basements, handling plumbing and electrical work, relocating bathrooms, setting up home gyms, undertaking various home improvement endeavors and performing general automotive maintenance with my kids.
During the early 2000s, I attended a community Monte Carlo night that proved to be a turning point. It was there that I first encountered the game of Craps. Intrigued by its dynamics, I acquired a small 3-in-1 game table capable of accommodating roulette, blackjack, and, of course, Craps. Weekends became an opportunity to gather with neighbors, engaging in lively sessions of dart throwing and spirited Craps gameplay.
Motivated by a desire to enhance my woodworking abilities, I embarked on a project to create my own Craps table. While my initial attempt was a humble box hastily put together and stained, it surprisingly generated tremendous interest when I listed it on E-Bay. The overwhelming response spurred me to refine my craftsmanship, leading to a series of Craps tables that I crafted and sold on the platform. Eventually, this entrepreneurial spirit prompted me to venture into the realm of website creation, evolving my initial venture, "Game Tables by DeMay," into the flourishing enterprise known as Discount Casino Gear .
Currently, I am focused on expanding my expertise by pursuing certifications in AWS and Azure. This endeavor aligns with my active engagement in various front-end and back-end technologies, including Angular, Spring, Spring Boot, JavaScript, as well as my commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in C/C++, C#, and Java. Continual growth and exploration in the ever-evolving world of technology drive my pursuit of knowledge and expertise.